29 January 2025 The Board of Directors of the Cyprus Association of Research & Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) held a meeting on 29 January 2025 and decided as follows: With regard to section 19.9 of its Code of Conduct, KEFEA has made the decision to...
The Board of Directors of the Cyprus Association of Research & Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) held a meeting on 31 January 2024 and decided as follows: With regard to section 19.9 of its Code of Conduct, KEFEA has made the decision to renew its white...
December 15, 2022 With regard to section 19.9 of its Code of Conduct, KEFEA has made the decision to establish a white list of 5* hotels in Cyprus, in which KEFEA members may hold and sponsor events, should they wish to do so. The white list was considered necessary...
With regard to section 19.9 of its Code of Conduct, KEFEA has made the decision to establish a white list of 5* hotels in Cyprus, in which KEFEA members may hold and sponsor events, should they wish to do so. The white list was considered necessary due to the paucity...
Paves the way to improve patients’ access to innovative medicines The Cyprus Association of Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) welcomes the vote on the NHS bill by the House of Representatives Plenum. This is an important moment for the Republic...
NHS and falsified medicines top priorities of new Board Kyriakos Mikellis, Cyprus Business Manager at Pfizer, has been re-elected president of the Cyprus Association of Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) for another two year term. In statements,...
KEFEA: Aim is to boost credibility at European level Transfers of value made by pharmaceutical companies involving the expenses incurred in relation to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations are to be made public for the first time by the end of June as...
The Cyprus Association of Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) is surprised by media reports claiming that 40% of pharmaceutical products at state pharmacies are inadequately labelled. In statements, KEFEA President Kyriacos Mikellis said that “as...
The implementation of a National Health System (NHS) that will guarantee high quality healthcare services as well as other important matters involving the pharmaceutical industry were discussed during the first meeting between Health Minister George Pamborides and the...
The Cyprus Association of Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) wishes to inform its members and the companies members of EFPIA active in Cyprus that the Health Ministry has issued a new circular dated 22 June, 2015 amending the procedures...
Pharmaceutical companies say they are trapped because they cannot delete products from the price list There will be problems in the unimpeded distribution of medicines in the Cyprus market, particularly the availability of new, innovative treatments following the...
The Cyprus Association of Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies (KEFEA) is concerned about the Minister of Health’s decision to proceed with a further 8.5% horizontal price cut on private sector medicines. This latest, one-sided measure may create problems...